The project was divided into three parts: (1) Pre-camp briefing – to prepare the campers psychologically to join a camp where they would meet people from other cultural background, (2) 3-day-2-night camp – 30 campers with the assistance of helpers and instructors had a number of team activities which provided nurture grounds for them to know one another and accommodate the differences between cultures, and (3) Debriefing – to offer opportunities for campers to recapture happenings in the camp and to generalize their learning into their daily living. Campers were encouraged to share their experiences and took memorable photos together.
The camp was taken place at Tung Tsz Scout Camp and its facilities were used for water sports, camp fire and other team building challenges. The 30 campers came from two ethnic groups included 8 boys’ scouts who were nominated by the Boys’ Scouts Association, 7 teenagers from Tin Shiu Wai and 15 teens mainly having India and Nepal background. They are 11 to 14 years old.
Realization of project aim and objectives
The aim of this project is to cultivate social harmony between younger generations of two ethnic groups in Hong Kong, with the following objectives:
- To provide a leisure activity for all
- To provide opportunities for youths to understanding cultures of another ethnic groups
- To activate cultural exchange through a series of interactive and co-operative activities
- To plant the seed of social harmony among the youths
The project had provided opportunities for teenagers from three sources to mix together in the 3-day-2-night camp. The structured activities including canoeing, team activities, quiet and reflective sessions provided chances for campers to know one another and to interact and to communicate in natural ways. There were occasional minor arguments but they allowed campers to know deeper among themselves. The highlight of the camp was the camp fire where members sang and danced together harmoniously. Therefore, the project team could assess that the project aims and objectives were attained.
It is a great time to see the children not just having fun from the game but also learn from it. As the sponsor of this project, we are happy to share love and hope with all parties who involved in this project, Scout Association of Hong Kong for recruiting scouts and providing camp facilities, Mr. Shafi Asaf-Mohd for recruiting Nepal teens and giving advice on our activities, TWGHs Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Integrated Services Centre for recruiting campers and lending of materials and tools for activities of the Programme, and the 15 voluntary helpers and instructors who offer their skills and heart in helping the campers. We would like to thank all of them again.